
Helmholtz Centre Potsdam
GFZ German Research Centre 
for Geosciences

Prof. Stefano Parolai
Helmholtzstraße 7
14467 Potsdam

Fon: +49 331 288-1290


SIBYL project final meeting report Potsdam, Germany, 7th December, 2016

The final meeting for the SIBYL project was held at the GFZ Potsdam German Research Centre for Geosciences in Potsdam, Germany, on the 7th December, 2016. All partners were present, as well as the project officer from the European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (EC ECHO, Mr. Spyros Afentoulidis) in Brussels, and representatives from the German Civil Protection (CP) bodies, the Bundesanstalt Technisches Hilfwerk (THW, Mr. Peter Goergen) and Bundesamt für Bevölkerungsschutz und Katastrophenhilfe (BBK, Ms. Katharina Gerlach).

Each partner summarized their results, with valuable input provided by the Civil Protection representatives. The project’s officer made a number of comments, especially with regards to what would be required for the scientific and financial reporting, while showing general satisfaction with the project’s outcomes, quality work, and management. The CP representatives outlined how civil protection was organized in Germany, where owing to its federal political structure, a very decentralized system has developed, where responsibility is essentially in the hands of the local fire services and municipalities.

Overall, the consortium believes that the project has been a success.
The presentations given may be accessed below:

General overview of the achievements of the project (GFZ)
Component B “Rapid data collection and integration” (GFZ)
Component C “Rapid and low-cost in-situ building vulnerability assessment” (GFZ, AUTH, TU-BERLIN)

  • Thessaloniki (TUBerlin)
  • Cologne field work (TUBerlin, GFZ)
  • Amatrice, Italy (GFZ)

Component D “Real-time monitoring during a seismic sequence” (AMRA)
Components E “Training and capacity building” and F “Task publicity” (GFZ)

Final report discussion

  • Technical report
  • Financial report

Final discussion/comments by representatives from Civil Protection and EC-ECHO.

Attendees of the SIBYL project final meeting in Potsdam, Germany.
